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Once upon a time there was a nobleman who had a beautiful, kind and smart daughter.
One day the mother of the girl died, and soon after her father married a woman who had two daughters of her own.
Her stepmother and stepsisters became jealous of the attention that the father gave to his daughter.
And when the nobleman left for a long trip, they began to mistreat the poor girl.
They made her a servant in her own home. She had to get up early every morning and spend every day doing housework.
The stepmother even made her sleep in the kitchen corner, next to the fireplace, which was full of dust and cinders that made her face and clothes dirty, that's why they nicknamed her Cinderella.
One day a messenger from the castle arrived at the house with an invitation for a grand ball.
Every young woman in the kingdom had to take part, because the prince hoped he would find a bride among them.
The stepmother ordered Cinderella to sew a new dress for her and for the stepsisters, and only if she finished their dresses in time, she could sew one for herself and join the ball with them.
The clothes were soon ready, but the stepmother and the stepsisters constantly required some adjustments.
Cinderella worked hard night and day, but she didn't have time to sew a new dress for herself too.
The night of the grand ball, the stepmother and the stepsisters went to the castle and Cinderella was left all alone in the big house.
Cinderella was very sad and began to cry. But suddenly a beautiful woman appeared in front of her.
"Don't cry Cinderella", said the woman. "You'll go to the grand ball too".
She touched her dirty clothes which immediately turned into a magnificent dress made of silver and gold.
Then the woman touched Cinderella’s messy hair which by magic gathered into an elegant bun.
At that point Cinderella realized who that gentle woman was: a fairy!
The fairy took Cinderella outside, where a luxurious coach led by six white horses was waiting for her.
But as Cinderella was ready to mount the coach, the fairy warned her: "You have to be home before midnight, because my spell only lasts till then".
Approaching the castle, Cinderella became more and more excited and when she entered the ballroom everybody was enchanted by her beauty.
The prince noticed her at once and asked her to dance. They fell in love with each other on the spot, as their hearts were talking through their eyes.
Cinderella was so happy that she didn’t realize the time was passing by until the castle clock began ringing midnight: DONG…DONG…
Cinderella immediately slipped from the Prince's arms and ran down the castle stairway, but as she ran she lost one of her silver slippers, which the prince picked up while watching Cinderella’s coach vanish away into the night.
At that moment, the prince promised that the charming and strange owner of that shoe would become his wife.
The next day, he sent the royal messenger to visit all the families of the kingdom to find the mysterious girl.
The messenger made every young lady try on the silver shoe but their feet were either too big or too small.
As he finally knocked on the door of Cinderella’s house, her stepsisters wanted to try on the shoe… but their efforts were in vain.
Cinderella then asked if she might try and to everybody’s great surprise…it fit perfectly!
Therefore they took her to the castle right away. Although she was wearing dirty rags, the prince instantly recognized his beloved one.
A few days later they got married and Cinderella finally became the happiest princess in the world.

1) The Blue Light - The Brothers Grimm
2) The Boots of Buffalo-Leather - The Brothers Grimm
3) The Bright Sun Brings It To Light - The Brothers Grimm
4) The Raven - The Brothers Grimm
5) The Giant and the Tailor - The Brothers Grimm
6) The Death of the Little Hen - The Brothers Grimm
7) The Lazy Spinner - The Brothers Grimm
8) The Devil and his Grandmother - The Brothers Grimm
9) The Pack of Ragamuffins - The Brothers Grimm
10) The Frog-King, or Iron Henry - The Brothers Grimm
1) Cinderella - The Brothers Grimm
2) Little Red Riding-Hood - Charles Perrault
3) The little mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen
4) A Riddling Tale - The Brothers Grimm
5) Beauty and the Beast - Mme de Beaumont
6) Allerleirauh - The Brothers Grimm
7) Bearskin - The Brothers Grimm
8) Blue Beard - Charles Perrault
9) Cinderella - Charles Perrault
10) Briar-Rose - The Brothers Grimm