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The hare and the tortoise

Once upon a time there was a little hare who boasted he was the fastest of all animals in the forest. "I challenge anyone to beat me" he said.
A little tortoise moved very slowly towards the hare, and when he was in front of him he said: "I accept your challenge".
The hare burst out laughing. "You? How do you expect to win a race with those short legs?" he said laughing.
The other animals of the forest were very excited for the race and decided the route. The hare was sure he would win the race.
When the race began the hare started running as fast as he could and he easily distanced the tortoise.
Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he would sit under a tree for a while and relax before continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep.
The tortoise slowly walked and walked. He never, ever stopped until he came to the finish line.
As the tortoise was near the finish, the animals who were watching cheered so loudly that they woke up the hare.
He quickly stretched and began to run again, but he saw that it was too late.
The little tortoise went over the line and won the race, while the hare felt very foolish. Slow and steady wins the race.

1) The Bright Sun Brings It To Light - The Brothers Grimm
2) The Raven - The Brothers Grimm
3) The Giant and the Tailor - The Brothers Grimm
4) The Death of the Little Hen - The Brothers Grimm
5) The Lazy Spinner - The Brothers Grimm
6) The Devil and his Grandmother - The Brothers Grimm
7) The Pack of Ragamuffins - The Brothers Grimm
8) The Frog-King, or Iron Henry - The Brothers Grimm
9) The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs - The Brothers Grimm
10) The Three Spinning Women - The Brothers Grimm
1) Cinderella - The Brothers Grimm
2) Little Red Riding-Hood - Charles Perrault
3) The little mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen
4) A Riddling Tale - The Brothers Grimm
5) Beauty and the Beast - Mme de Beaumont
6) Allerleirauh - The Brothers Grimm
7) Bearskin - The Brothers Grimm
8) Blue Beard - Charles Perrault
9) Cinderella - Charles Perrault
10) Briar-Rose - The Brothers Grimm