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the lost princess
alexia burns

Once upon a time there was a queen and king the queen was about to have a baby girl they were named her Sarah she was beautiful she had black and brown hair blue eyes and a beautiful smile. Days,weeks,months and years went by now shes 15 years old its almost her sweat sixteenth birthday everyone is so excited there getting ready for the party right now lets go see how there doing. Today's my birthday Sarah screamed in joy when she woke up "I'm so excited" she said then she got dressed and went downstairs but no one was awake. She wondered why they woke up early every day except her birthday so she went to go tell her parents to wake up. But before she could even take a step someone captured her she was so scared she didn't know who it was then she screamed for help HELP she cried. then next thing she new she was locked in a tower. why is this happening to me especially on my birthday this was supposed to be the best 16th birthday ever. Then she heard a voice she yelled HELP he heard her the person turned out to be a prince then he helped her and then she was so happy she invited him for dinner. After they got to know about each other they started to hang out. They became really good friends then the next day Sarah had to speak her mind and she just said it I LOVE YOU and it turned out he liked her to he just didn't know if the person he liked will like him back and then they went for a walk and talked. On the way they saw a sign that said Royal ball tonight starting at 6:00 so they went and it turns out they were meant for each other and they lived happily ever after THE END i hope you enjoyed thank you.

1) The Fir Tree - Hans Christian Andersen
2) The Donkey - The Brothers Grimm
3) The Butterfly - Hans Christian Andersen
4) The Blue Light - The Brothers Grimm
5) The Boots of Buffalo-Leather - The Brothers Grimm
6) The Bright Sun Brings It To Light - The Brothers Grimm
7) The Raven - The Brothers Grimm
8) The Giant and the Tailor - The Brothers Grimm
9) The Lazy Spinner - The Brothers Grimm
10) The Death of the Little Hen - The Brothers Grimm
1) Cinderella - The Brothers Grimm
2) Little Red Riding-Hood - Charles Perrault
3) The little mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen
4) A Riddling Tale - The Brothers Grimm
5) Beauty and the Beast - Mme de Beaumont
6) Allerleirauh - The Brothers Grimm
7) Bearskin - The Brothers Grimm
8) Blue Beard - Charles Perrault
9) Cinderella - Charles Perrault
10) Briar-Rose - The Brothers Grimm