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Dragon Trouble

Once a pon a time far far away, was a fearsome prince Jake out riding his horse through the woods, when suddenly he hear Princess Breanna calling for help. With out a second thought he hoped onto his horse and rode to the castle. then he realized that there was a dragon that was blowing fire out at Princess Breanna, so he grabed his silver shiny sword and stabbed the dragon and then pulled his bloody sword out of the dragon. he grabbed Princess Breanna and they rode away and lived happily ever after.

1) The Hut in the Forest - The Brothers Grimm
2) Strong Hans - The Brothers Grimm
3) Sweetheart Roland - The Brothers Grimm
4) The Wishing-Table, The Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack - The Brothers Grimm
5) The Bell Deep - Hans Christian Andersen
6) The Griffin - The Brothers Grimm
7) Thumbling as Journeyman - The Brothers Grimm
8) The Gnome - The Brothers Grimm
9) Thumbling - The Brothers Grimm
10) The Golden Bird - The Brothers Grimm
1) Cinderella - The Brothers Grimm
2) Little Red Riding-Hood - Charles Perrault
3) The little mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen
4) A Riddling Tale - The Brothers Grimm
5) Beauty and the Beast - Mme de Beaumont
6) Allerleirauh - The Brothers Grimm
7) Bearskin - The Brothers Grimm
8) Blue Beard - Charles Perrault
9) Cinderella - Charles Perrault
10) Briar-Rose - The Brothers Grimm